A Guide to RV Food Prep and Storage

Guide to RV Food Prep

Once you hit the road, eating out every meal will get old quick. That’s why RV food prep and storage is such an integral part of your everyday life out on the road. Having easy systems put in place to handle food prep and storage enables you to use your limited kitchen space as efficiently as possible.

  1. Get your groceries in one trip and prepare your meals for the week.
  2. Get some RV specific prep tools. They can make life easier on the road. You can find them online or at any camping store.
  3. Containers need to be both microwaveable and freezer safe.
  4. If something smells off, throw it out. Don’t risk illness on food gone bad.
  5. Never put hot food in the freezer. That can lead to the growth of harmful bacteria. Always let your food cool down to room temp. This will also allow for the food to have room to properly expand once frozen.
  6. Know your freezer fill level. You want your freezer always running at its best.
  7. Label and track all meals. It will let you find what you want easier while also allowing you know which items need to be restocked and when.
  8. Always undercook vegetables slightly. This way once you reheat them, they don’t get musty and disgusting.
  9. Once a food is defrosted do not refreeze. Not only can this cause bacteria to grow, but your food won’t retain its original good flavors.
  10. Stock up on spices. Nothing makes food more flavorful than a wide array of different spices.
  11. Make foods that are easy to clean up once finished. Space is limited. You don’t want to be turning your small kitchen space into a nightmare.
  12. Try cooking one dish meals with an easy to make side. Most RV kitchen spaces aren’t meant for gourmet cooking. Try pairing one dish with a simple salad or another side you can easily put together.
  13. Use paper plates, plastic cups, and disposable utensils whenever possible. Why make clean up harder then it needs to be. Disposable plates and cups cut your clean up time in half.

Guide to RV Food Storage

  1. Be creative! Space is limited so think outside the box. Kitchen stuff doesn’t need to live only in the kitchen. If you’ve got room for it elsewhere, store it there and bring it out when needed.
  2. Never use round containers. There terrible for stacking and end up costing you space.
  3. Resealable zip lock bags are awesome. You can empty bigger boxes and containers into these bags and save a ton of space.
  4. Try installing clamps, hooks, and organizers on the back of your cabinet doors. This will allow you to be better organized, and add more usable space to the kitchen.
  5. Buy only what you need. Hit the store every week and only get what you need for that week’s meals and snacks. Advanced preparation is key! It will make life much easier in the long run. I always bring a grocery list to the store
  6. Learn to organize like a professional. Packing your refrigerator and freezer is an art form. Think of it like a puzzle or a game of Tetris. The only way you win is if everything fits nicely together. This might take some time to master, but trust me you will. I used to have horrible organizational skills. After about 4 months on the road, I was a whiz.
  7. Go online to sites like Pinterest for inspiration on how to save space. You’ll be amazed at some of the things people have come up with. Take your favorite ideas and incorporate them into your RV kitchen.

What Items I Keep In My RV Kitchen

Here are some of the things I earn with me on the road and keep stored in my RV kitchen. I like to cook so I carry more than most might. I’ve found that with the items below I can cook most anything I want. I’m also not averse to traveling with glass. I wrap all my glass carefully before driving so I haven’t had any real issues with things breaking. I know for some this might be too much of a hassle. I suggest doing whatever is comfortable for you.

On the subject of pots and pans, be sure to get a good set. You’ll be kicking yourself otherwise. I suggest not going with a lightweight set. If you need to conserve weight on the RV, do it elsewhere. This list came together over time. It started off much smaller, and as I got more comfortable in the smaller kitchen space I started adding and experimenting.

  • 10-inch frying pan and lid
  • Dutch oven and lid
  • 2-quart pot and lid
  • 2-quart casserole dish
  • 4-quart stainless steel pot and lid
  • 4-quart pot and lid
  • 5-quart roaster
  • 6-quart crock pot
  • 6-inch cast iron skillet
  • 16-quart stockpot (For soups and steaming seafood)
  • 2-3 cup food processor
  • Handheld electric mixer
  • Mini Blender
  • 2 smaller platters
  • 2 big serving bowls
  • Toaster oven
  • Spice rack
  • Various sized disposable aluminum baking pans


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